Saturday, May 23, 2015

What we don't know can hurt us (Excerpts from "Shaken Faith")

"Sometimes ignorance is bliss, and what we do not know is better than attempting to know and have all the answers. is in our humanity, our being that is made in the image of God, to ask, question, challenge, and to know. Though there are things we cannot know and will not know...our curiosity and endeavor to learn and question are what allow us to innovate, develop electricity, build and fly airplanes and create...."[1]

Where do questions about God, life, and its complexities fit into a 21st century faith model?

[1] Sanejo Leonard, Shaken Faith: What You Don’t Know (and Need to Know) about Faith Crises and How They Affect Spiritual Formation (Eugene, OR: WIPF and STOCK, 2015), 6.

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